Know The Why

At No More Ifs Or Buts we think it important we understand why we do certain things and why we want certain things. The key though is knowing our values and understanding how they impact how we approach things.

Why Is 'The Why' So Important?

The why isn’t just the reason you do what you do, it’s the persistent reminder that keeps you grounded, energized and focused. Its your purpose and your motive, providing you with a core belief in what you do. This kind of energy allows you to clearly recognise when decisions need to be made, whether to take risks, what areas you are interested in and choosing the right people to work with. It also improves you emotional intelligence which in turn enhances you relationships.

Be Aware

What is it that drives you? What drives your decisions? The answer is different for everyone, although, the key to gaining this focus and drive is knowing your values and understanding how they impact the way we do things. This connection to your 'why' will come through in your business and the way you interact with people.
Once you know the 'why' of a project or a goal and are able to articulate it to employees you will reap the benefits: achieve emotional investment, encourage innovation and empower staff. Resulting in a unique and positive culture.

Get in touch

If you are interested in understanding your 'why' and becoming more aware then get in touch with us

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